Get in the Zone for Home Comfort Control

What Is a Zoned System?

Many homes have a central thermostat that controls the heating and cooling functions for the entire house. While this is convenient, it can be problematic because sun exposure, ceiling height and other factors can affect temperature, making it difficult to create consistency. Homes with zoned climate control systems are different; instead of treating the whole house as one entity, zoned systems divide your home into multiple sections. A floor, a group of rooms or even an individual room becomes a zone, each with its own separate thermostat.

What Are the Benefits of a Zoned System?

With a zoned climate control system, you’ll enjoy the flexibility to adjust the temperature in each zone. This makes it easier to avoid uncomfortable hot and cold spots. It also allows you to customize a space to match individual tastes. Prefer a warm living room and a chilly bedroom? It’s easy to make it happen with a zoned system. In addition, zoned systems can deliver greater energy efficiency by letting you concentrate you’re heating or cooling in specific areas so that you don’t waste energy trying to maintain a comfortable temperature in unused spaces. In fact, you may discover that using a zoned system extends the lifespan of your furnace, boiler or HVAC unit because it doesn’t have to run as much to keep your family comfortable.

Is a Zoned System a Smart Choice for Me?

If you’re curious about whether or not a zoned system would be a good fit for your home, ask yourself a few questions. Does your current system leave you with some rooms that are too cool, some that are too hot and some that are just right? Would you like to be able to set different temperatures for different sections of the house? Are you troubled by high utility bills and interested in ways to use energy more efficiently around your home? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then it may be time to consider having a zoned climate control system installed.