3 Benefits of Geothermal Heat Pumps For Your Home


When it’s time to replace your Chesapeake, VA, home’s heating and air conditioning equipment, geothermal heat pumps are a wise choice. They work in any climate, including Chesapeake’s humid weather and variable temperatures. Consider these three benefits of installing a geothermal heat pump in your home.

Smaller Carbon Footprint

Geothermal heat pumps use the renewable resource of the Earth’s natural warmth. No fossil fuels have to be burned in order to use a geothermal heat pump. The systems do require some electricity to power the motor and fan. If your home has a solar panel array, it will be sufficient for powering the blower portion of the system. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, geothermal systems generate 0.1 pounds of emissions per kilowatt-hour of heating or cooling, compared to 1.6 to 2.0 pounds for natural gas- or electrical-powered heating and cooling systems.


Geothermal heat pumps are environmentally-friendly. When properly maintained, the systems last for an average of 50 years. They do not produce carbon monoxide, which is a poisonous waste product from the combustion of natural gas. They also don’t emit carbon dioxide, which contributes to climate change. These systems use a minimal amount of synthetic lubricants for the motor and fan. There are no chemical refrigerants in these systems, so there is no risk of a leak of ozone-depleting chemicals.

Energy-Efficient and Cost-Effective

Geothermal heat pumps are energy-efficient. Instead of generating heat, they move it. The Earth’s temperature several feet below the soil line is consistent all year long, which is what makes the geothermal heat pump so cost-effective. According to the Department of Energy, installing a geothermal heat pump will save you at least $30 per month on heating and cooling costs. Because natural gas and electricity prices are volatile, your heating and air conditioning costs will also be more consistent each month.

For more information about geothermal heat pumps for your Chesapeake, VA home, call us today or stop by our office!