What to Consider When Choosing a New Heating System in VA Beach, VA?

Snow, sleet, ice — freezing weather during the winter months in the Virginia Beach area makes a reliable heating system indispensable for home comfort. Is it time to upgrade your system? Which type of heater is best for you? Here’s what you need to know to ensure your new heating system keeps everyone warm and cozy during the cold weather ahead.

Explore Your Heating System Options

Thanks to advancements in HVAC technology, a new heating system offers opportunities to enjoy an elevated level of comfort. It also gives you the chance to save money on energy expenses. Here are three of the most popular options for heating systems in Virginia Beach and the surrounding communities.

  • Blowing air from registers at a well-baked 120 degrees, a gas furnace supplies the kind of enveloping warmth families love.
  • Adaptable to virtually any application, a heat pump keeps you cool during the summer and comfortably warm all winter.
  • Topping the list when it comes to energy efficiency, a geothermal heat pump uses thermal energy captured from the earth to provide all-season comfort.

Evaluate Your Unique Comfort Needs

How large is your home? How many people live in it? Do some rooms in your home stay warmer than others? These are just a few factors to consider when selecting a new heater. The current layout of your property also matters. A central-air heating system is a good choice for structures equipped with a ductwork system. Commonly known as mini-splits, ductless heat pumps provide appealing alternatives for homes without ductwork. Highly energy-efficient, they use individual air handlers to deliver warm or cool air directly into designated areas of your home.

Compare Energy Ratings

Whether it’s a geothermal heat pump, furnace or ductless mini-split, the efficiency of any heating system is measured by comparing its heating output with its energy consumption over a single season. These energy ratings allow you to make apples-to-apples comparisons regarding the overall efficiency of your new heating system.

  • Expressed in a percentage, the Annual Fuel Utilization (AFUE) rating represents the efficiency of furnaces and boilers.
  • The Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF) rating measures the heating efficiency of an air-source or geothermal heat pump.
  • An important rating to consider when purchasing an all-season HVAC system, the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) measures the system’s cooling efficiency.

Look for Innovative Features

High-efficiency heaters often come with built-in functions that lower your energy bills while raising your level of comfort. These features let you enjoy a consistently warm temperature without breaking your budget.

  • Furnaces with variable-speed blowers automatically change fan settings to match your changing comfort requirements.
  • Heat pumps with variable-speed compressors save you money by using only as much power as needed to keep you comfortable.
  • Wi-Fi thermostats allow you to monitor, program or alter temperature settings online, so you always come home to a comfortable environment.

Cost Considerations

There’s no doubt that replacing an outdated heater with a new one saves you money in the long run through lower energy expenses. Due to improvements in heating system efficiency, you can often recoup the cost of a new heater within a few years. If you’re concerned about upfront costs, here’s some additional good news. Tax credits and rebates can make your purchase even more affordable. To explore all the federal tax credits available for heating systems in your area, visit the Energy Star website and enter your zip code.

Go with the Pros

Heating systems aren’t generic pieces of equipment that contractors simply pop into place. When it comes to optimal performance, getting the size right is everything, along with the proper installation. Undersized or oversized systems waste energy and money. A reputable contractor will evaluate your home to ensure the heater can deliver just the right amount of power at any given moment. At Climatemakers, we conduct heating load calculations to determine the ideal system size.

If you’re considering a new heating system installation, contact Climatemakers today. With seven decades of experience, we know how to keep homes in the Virginia Beach area comfortable, no matter how low the temperatures fall. Call us today!