5 Methods for Extending Your Furnace Lifespan in Chesapeake, VA

technician working

In the winter, a dependable furnace is the key to a comfortable home, and most furnaces will last approximately 15-20 years before needing replacement. How do you get the most use out of your heating system and keep it running smoothly for years to come? Below are five methods for extending your furnace’s lifespan in your Chesapeake, VA home.

1. Replace Furnace Filters Regularly

Your first step in extending the life of your furnace is to clean or replace filters regularly. Most manufacturers recommend replacing air filters about every 60 to 90 days, but that is an estimate. Your home’s furnace may require more frequent filter changes, depending on factors such as pets and air quality.

Furnace filters protect your system by preventing dust, pet fur and other pollutants from entering the system. Clogged filters restrict airflow and force it to work harder and longer to maintain comfortable temperatures inside your home.

This added strain puts more wear and tear on the mechanical components of your heating system, causing more frequent repairs and higher monthly utility bills. Replacing those filters every month or two during winter can potentially add years to your furnace’s lifespan.

2. Prevent Heat Loss in Your Home

Air leaks are another huge problem for many homeowners during winter. The more heat your home loses through cracks and holes – and around windows, door and through the attic – the longer your furnace will need to run to maintain your desired temperature. To make your furnace last longer, you must prevent heat from escaping your home to maintain energy efficiency.

Replace old, cracked caulk and weather-stripping around windows and doors every few years to keep them sealed against air leaks. If one of your windows cracks or breaks, look into replacing it with energy-efficient glass that prevents heat loss during colder months. If you have an older home, replacing the old attic insulation and wall insulation can work wonders for keeping your home warm.

3. Repair Furnace as Needed To Prevent Further Damage

Deferred maintenance is one of the biggest problems we see among homeowners. If you smell obnoxious odors or hear strange noises when you run your furnace, that’s a sign of a problem. Continuing to run your heater without fixing that problem causes more damage and will lead to more expensive repairs down the road.

Fixing minor repairs before the problem worsens is crucial to having a long-lasting heating system. It’s important that you consult with a professional on any furnace repairs.

4. Run Ceiling Fans To Improve Heat Circulation

Warm air rises and collects at the ceiling where you can barely feel it. As a result, you end up running your furnace longer to make your home feel warmer. Another way to take the strain off your system is to let your ceiling fans assist your heating system in the winter.

Running your fans clockwise on their low setting will gently circulate that warm air throughout the room so you can feel it more. That will allow you to lower the thermostat by 1-2 degrees while feeling just as warm and cozy. The result is that you reduce the run time on your furnace and maximize its lifespan.

5. Get Annual Furnace Maintenance Tune-ups

Your furnace has many complex mechanical components that work together to warm your home all winter. Like any other finely tuned machine, your furnace needs a tune-up periodically to keep it running efficiently.

You should schedule maintenance tune-ups for your HVAC system twice annually to keep it in good shape. The best time to get a furnace tune-up is in the fall so professionals can address any performance issues long before the winter cold sets in.

Follow these five simple HVAC tips to extend the life of your furnace. Contact Climatemakers of Chesapeake, VA right away to schedule maintenance service for your furnace.

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